Where’s Waldo?

Except I’m not Waldo. And I do not wear a red and white striped long sleeve shirt and matching beanie.

These last few weeks I’ve been focusing on working my new night job, working graveyard shift for the shift differential pay. The extra hourly bonus goes a long ways towards the bills at least two months behind. All the while, I’ve been trying to set up my SEO & Digital Marketing business during my days off.

Haven’t even gone hiking these last few weeks as well. I plan to hit the trails again but I’m not sure when, really.

These next two to three months are going to determine living situation for the next year or so so I’ve been on the fence about that as well. All in all, working the night shift, getting that extra pay, allows me to save for any eventuality which is a plus.


On to the next page. Come find me once more. Maybe I’ll be standing next to a delicious food cart this time because I can actually afford a little self-indulgence once more.

If you want to take a look at my SEO & Digital Marketing business, clicl below:

Four Peaks SEO

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